Genus Pogonatum

The Pogonatum mosses grow in tufts on the ground, often with a green felt of thread-like cells (protonema) at the base. The plants are short and simple, or long and robust; with branches starting below the leaves at the base of the pedicel, or half-way up to the stem. The male plants continue to grow from the centre of a terminal rosette of bracts.
The leaves are erect or spreading, the upper-half lance-shaped or strap-shaped; the base is clasping, with large pale cells; the margins are entire or serrate; the vein is broad, with numerous lamellae occupying almost the entire width of the leaf-blade, and with their terminal cells smooth or bearing tiny projections (papillose).
The generic name Pogonatum, from the Greek for; a beard, refers to the veil, which is hairy and almost covers the spore-case. The spore-cases are cylindrical, but not angular. They are nearly symmetrical, erect, or turned to one side, with flat lids having a central point. They are borne on erect pedicels.
The peristome is simple, of 32 blunt teeth, orange in the middle, united at the base and appearing as if attached at the apices to a membranous disk (epiphragm).
There are one hundred and fifty-six species known in all, nine in North America.
Alpine Haircap Moss
Hair Like Haircap Moss
Short Leaved Haircap Moss
Short Stemmed Haircap Moss
Urn Bearing Haircap Moss