Genus Collybia
GENUS COLLYBIAThe members of this genus have white spores, and the lamellae with thin edges attached to the stem by their inner extremity. The stem has a cartilaginous rind; that is, it is hard and of a tough texture.
The genus contains fifty-four American species, some of which are regarded as edible, while others are regarded as deleterious. The velvet-stemmed collybia, or Collybia velutipas, is edible, and remarkable for its habit of growing long after the frosts of winter have come.
It is easily recognised by its yellowish and viscid cap, and its habit of growing in tufts, and developing on the stem a dense coat of velvety hairs. The rooted collybia, Collybia radicala, may be recognised by the character of its stem, as the lower part is like a slender tap root, generally penetrating the earth to a depth equal to the length of the stem above the surface.
Collybia Familia