Orthotrichum Strangulatum Moss

Habit and habitat.-In small, loose dirty-green tufts / of an inch deep; on trees, rarely on rocks.
Name.-The specific name strangulatum, strangled, refers to the constriction under the mouth of the spore-case.
Plant (gametophyte).-One-quarter of an inch long.
Leaves.-Linear lance-shaped from an oblong base, keeled; apex pointed or blunt; margins rolled back; cells, the upper, round, small, close, with slight protuberances; the basal, long and quadrangular.
Leaves at the base of the pedicel (perichaetial leaves).-Longer, erect, somewhat sheathing.
Habit of flowering.-Male and female flowers on the same plant (monocious).
Veil (calyptra).-Resembling a bishop's mitre (mitriform) furrowed and early naked.
Spore-case.-Oblong egg-shaped, half-emergent, dirty-brown when old, strongly constricted under the mouth.
Lid (operculum).-Conical, obtusely short-pointed.
Teeth (Peristome).-The outer eight double teeth, dirty-yellow, granulose, reflexed when dry; the inner, of eight filiform strong segments.
Spores.-Mature in May and June.
Distribution.-North America only.