Archidium Ohiense Moss
Habit and habitat.-Moist meadows and waste fields.Name.-The specific name Ohiense refers to the fact that this moss was first found in Ohio.
Plant (gametophyte).-Minute; stems slender.
Leaves. -Narrowly lance-shaped, spreading; apex awl-like, finely toothed; vein extending into the apex of the leaf-blade.
Leaves at the base of the spore-case (perichaetical leaves).-Broader and longer.
Habit of flowering.-Male and female flowers in separate clusters on the same plant (autoicous).
Veil (calyptra).-Very thin, irregularly torn below.
Spore-case.-Spherical, on short side branch.
Pedicel. -Very short.
Lid (operculum).-Wanting.
Teeth (peristome).-Wanting.
Spores.-Sixteen to twenty, angular, smooth, mature in fall and winter.
Distribution.-North America, Ohio and southward.