Plant Guide > Mushrooms > Genus Agaricus

Genus Agaricus


The genus Agaricus includes all brown-spored species which have free gills and a stem with a collar. The distinctive features of several edible species may be quite satisfactorily seen by reference to the table with parallel columns.

Mushroom-growing is becoming quite an important industry in this country; both professional horticulturists and amateurs successfully engage in it. It is not a difficult matter to raise the common mushroom, as the conditions necessary are easily obtained.

Mushrooms will grow almost anywhere out of doors, and also in cellars, caves, and tunnels where a uniform and moderate temperature of from 50° to 60° Fahr. can be maintained. The part of a cellar devoted to mushrooms must be darkened somewhat, must have a dry floor, and must be protected from wet overhead and from winds.

These conditions are common in cellars which are rather dark, but sufficiently well ventilated not to be musty. The bed for the mushrooms is prepared in a manner similar to that employed in making a hot-bed, care being taken that the conditions are such that too great heat is not generated.

Any one desiring to experiment will find it helpful to have the "Farmers' Bulletin," No. 53, "How to Grow Mushrooms," which may be obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.

Agaricus Abruptus
Agaricus Campestris
Agaricus Rodmani