Hypholoma Perplexum
Hypholoma perplexumPerplexing Hypholoma
Cap or Pileus - Convex or nearly plane, smooth, sometimes slightly umbonate. Reddish or brownish red, fading to yel-low on the margins.
Stem or Stipe - Firm and hollow, slightly covered with fine threads. Whitish or yellowish to rusty red or red brown. 2-3 inches long.
Veil or Ring - Veil remains attached to the margin. No ring on the stem.
Gills or Lamellae - Thin, crowded, slightly rounded at the stem end. At first pale yellow, then tinged with green or purplish brown.
Spores - Purplish brown, elliptical.
Flesh - Mild, not clearly bitter, white.
Time - Autumn to freezing weather.
Habitat - Grows in clusters, sometimes singly, on stumps, in the woods or in the open.