Plant Guide > Trees > Service Berries > Dwarf June Berry Tree

Dwarf June Berry Tree

Dwarf June Berry TreeThe Dwarf June-berry, or Swamp Sugar Pear (A. obovalis, Ashe), has its young leaves and tender shoots covered with dense white wool until quite matured. The flowers are smaller than those of its sister species, and crowded in shorter, denser racemes. The fruit is juicier and of richer flavour, and eagerly sought by children and birds.

The tree bears the name, long-leaf service-tree in some localities, and in others, shad-bush. The Indians noted that these trees blossomed along the banks of tidewater streams about the time that the shad came up to spawn. The colonists adopted this name.

Naturally, it is not used in the inland states, where shad are seen only in fish markets. This june-berry frequents swamps and stream borders, ranging from New Brunswick to Florida and Louisiana, and west to Minnesota and Missouri.