Grass Pea is an annual. The stems are flattened and more slender than those of ordinary peas, reaching a height of from two to three feet. The leaves consist of one or two pairs of narrow, grass-like leaflets and have branched tendrils. The flowers are solitary and white. The pods are about an inch long and half an inch broad, flat, and contain three or four seeds. The latter are sharply angular, generally yellow or yellowish green.
Geographical distribution:
Grass Pea is a native of central Europe. It is grown to some extent in southern Ontario.
Cultural conditions:
It prefers a loamy soil, not too heavy, and does best when moisture is not excessive.
Agricultural value:
In some places it is used extensively as a fodder plant, giving a healthy food that has never proved injurious to stock. It resists the pea weevil and is therefore important when the ordinary pea cannot be grown on account of this pest.