Terrell Grass

The eastern species of the genus are of comparatively little value and we find them chiefly in the moist soil of river banks and by low thickets, where in early summer the stout green spikes rise, stiffly bearded with upright awns, and in appearance suggesting the flowering-heads of certain cultivated grains.
Terrell-grass, the one most frequently found, is the least attractive of our three common species of the genus.
This grass is from two to four feet tall and may he recognized by its coarse, erect spikes which are rigid and bear shorter awns than do the other species.
Terrell-grass. Virginia Wild Rye. Elymus virginicus L.
Stem 2-4 ft. tall, erect, rather stout. Ligule very short. Leaves 4'-14' long, 3"-8" wide, flat, rough, deep green, sometimes downy on upper surface.
Spike 2'-7' long, base usually included in loose upper sheath. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, in pairs on alternate notches of the rachis. Outer scales narrow, thick, and rigid, terminating in rough awns, outer scales 8"-13" long including awns; flowering scales about 4" long, usually smooth, terminating in a rough awn 3"-10" long; palets nearly as long as flowering scales. Stamens 3, anthers pale yellow.
Moist soil, by streams and borders of thickets. June to September.
New Brunswick to Ontario and Minnesota, south to Florida and Arkansas.