White Grass

In White-grass the few branches of the panicles spread stiffly and bear comparatively few spikelets, while the leaves are shorter, broader, and less rough than are those of the larger species.
It is said that the leaves of certain species of the genus are sensitive in the same manner as are the leaves of the sensitive plant. One species, known as Catch-fly Grass (Leersia lenticularis) bears wide spikelets armed with strong bristles.
Of this grass and its blossoms, Pursh, an early botanist, writes: "Found on islands of Roanoke River, N. C., and observed it catching flies in same manner as Dionaea muscipula (Venus's Fly-trap)."
The scales certainly look as if they might close like steel-traps and imprison insects, but as the most modern text-books say nothing of this habit his record may remain as an "evidence of things not seen" by less fortunate botanists of later times.