Ogeechee Lime or Sour Tupelo Tree
The Ogeechee Lime, or Sour Tupelo (Nyssa Ogeche, Marsh.), grows in the river swamps that line the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia and northern Florida. It takes its name from the Ogeechee Valley, which is the centre of its limited range.The trees are small, with bushy tops and hoary grey twigs, which when young are coated with silky red tomentum. The leaves are 4 to 6 inches long, oval, and firm in texture.
The tree is a striking figure when laden with its red fruits, about the size and shape of pecan nuts. They hang in profuse clusters from August till late autumn, long after they are ripe and the leaves are fallen.
These juicy fruits are sour, and make excellent preserves. It must be difficult business to get them, for the trees stand in water. Nevertheless, the demand for them is good, and justifies the necessary exertion.