Creek Sedge or Creek Thatch Grass

Perennial, from stout, creeping rootstocks.
Stem 2-9 ft. tall, stout, reed-like, erect. Sheaths and leaves smooth. Ligule a ring of short hairs. Leaves 5'-24' long, 2"-8" wide.
Spikes usually many, 1'-4' long, erect, 1-sided, forming a terminal, spike-like inflorescence. Spikelets 1-flowered, narrow, 6"-8" long, in 2 rows. Scales 3; outer scales acute, unequal, rough on keels; palet slightly longer than flowering scale. Stamens 3, anthers light coloured. Stigmas long, white. A variable species.
In salt marshes and by the borders of creeks. July to October.
On the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.