Jersey or Scrub Pine Tree

Peter Kalm observed that cattle, in the heat of the day, choose the shade of this tree rather than of any other, though its foliage be much thicker. He judges that this strange choice arises " from the gratefulness of the fragrance " of this tree. Another author comments on the delightful fragrance exhaled by the exuding balsam of the despised Jersey pine. The opportunity to point a moral here is almost irresistible. But I stay my pointer. The range of P. virginiana is wide; from Long Island to Georgia and Alabama, and west to Indiana, where it rises to the height of too feet Its average height is one-third of this maximum limit, with a trunk diameter rarely over 18 inches.
The wood has been locally used for making tar, and for pump logs, water pipes, for fencing and fuel. It is not an economic tree, unless considered so in its work of covering quickly large areas of sterile soils in the Eastern States.