The Swiss Pines (P. Cembra and rnontana) are all picturesque and hardy, as if they crouched under Alpine blasts, even in the most comfortable situations. Any flat-topped, irregular evergreen growing wild is attractive to the eye of the nurseryman who has a landscape-gardening department and facilities for moving large trees. He is able to get the tree at a bargain from the farmer in whose woodlot or pasture it stands. There is very little cordwood in it. The new owner cuts a big circle around the tree the depth of a spade, severing the roots outside this boundary. A year later a thick mat of rootlets has resulted from this root pruning, and in the winter the tree is easily taken up and planted in just the right place on Mr. ---'s new country place. He points out to his friends the striking "Swiss-pine effect " of this tree etched against the sky. It is a good thing, and worth the price, even if he never heard of a Swiss pipe before in his life.