Barnyard Millet
BARNYARD MILLET (Panicum Crus-galli L.)Other Latin names: Echinochloa Crus-galli (L.) Beauv.; Oplismenus Cyus-galli Drum.
Other English name: Barnyard Grass.
Botanical description:
Barnyard Millet is an annual which grows to a height of from one to three feet. The stems, often kneebent, are ascending and rather stout. It differs from other millets mentioned by having the sheaths of the leaves compressed and sharply keeled and by the presence of a bunch of long hairs at the base of the leaf. The panicle is composed of numerous one-sided clusters of spikelets, varying in size, colour and general appearance. Each spikelet consists of a single flower, which generally has a short stout awn. In some varieties (for instance, Japanese Barnyard Millet) the awn is wanting, while in others it is very long.Geographical distribution:
Barnyard Millet is indigenous to the Old World, where it occurs in moist fields, in gardens, along roads and ditches, in waste places, etc., often as a troublesome weed. It is not a native of Canada, but was introduced early.Agricultural value:
Being a coarse grass which rapidly deteriorates in quality after blooming, Barnyard Millet should be cut for hay when the plants are in flower, or even earlier. If intended for ensilage, cutting may be delayed until flowering is well over.Twenty pounds of seed should be sown to the acre for hay; for seed production, twelve and a half pounds are enough.