Pond Sedge

The Pond Sedge (Dulichium arundinaceum) is a plant that bears little resemblance to other members of the large family of Cyperaceae, and the casual observer who assumed the leafy stems to belong to some flowering plant of a different order might easily be pardoned.
The hollow, jointed stems, one to three feet tall, are very leafy, but the three-ranked leaves are short, being one to four inches long, and are not sedge-like in appearance.
The flowers are borne with the leaves along the stem and are in spikes which are composed of narrow, green spikelets, one half to one inch long.
This plant, the only species of the genus, is common from Nova Scotia to Florida, and during midsummer and later it is frequently seen by the borders of ponds and streams where it grows with the yellow loosestrife and other plants of the marshes.